Welcome to the CYIL volume II. 2011 official webpage

The second volume of Czech Yearbook of International Law® focuses on the issues (admittedly controversial in the academic arena), as they deal with the shift in the classical observation of investment protection through the perspective of investors to that of the perspective states, who are facing growing numbers of alleged claims brought by investors. The topic of the second volume has set as its objective to plot the shift in this paradigm, which lies ultimately in the process of searching for the new balance in the investment protection system. Such a shift can be observed in the rising number of counterclaims brought by host states in the course of investment proceedings against investors. This holds true for the introduction of the new standards for evaluation of investments in light of the good faith of the investor when executing the investment or by the choice of the absolute means of protection of a host state’s interest against the claims of investors when terminating the existing treaty instruments for the protection of investments. These topics represent just a small segment of the entire mosaic of issues addressed by the second volume of CYIL, which was fully introduced to the wider professional audience in the beginning of 2011.
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Application of Most Favoured Nation Clause to Jurisdiction Provisions in Light of the Award in Austrian Airlines v. Slovakia
Domański, Grzegorz
Świątkowski, Marek
This paper discusses the issue of whether investors who raise claims on grounds of a violation of BIT obligations by the state may take recourse to the most favoured nation clause with respect to
page 73 - 92
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Interpretation of International Agreements on Social Security from the Perspective of “Relocation”, “Temporary Residence” and “Permanent Residence”
Bělohlávek, Alexander J.
Judgment of the Supreme Administrative Court of the Czech Republic (Nejvyšší správní soud České republiky) [NSS], File No. 6 Ads 56/2009-52 of 20 May 2010 (A.A.S., Citizen of Russian
Current Events, Past & Ongoing CYIL / CYArb Presentations
page 351 - 367
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