On the Availability of Counterclaims in Investment Treaty Arbitration
pages 141 - 156

This article explores the obstacles that may exist for states to bring counterclaims before an investment treaty tribunal and analyses the reasoning of the tribunals that have have refused to hear such counterclaims. In relation to the key question of jurisdiction, the ICSID Convention and the UNCITRAL Rules both provide in principle for counterclaims. The question thus often becomes one of consent and whether an investor-state dispute resolution provision in a BIT encompasses counterclaims – an issue that always requires careful consideration of the treaty language. The investor’s consent is also discussed as well as the law applicable to such counterclaims. In order for counterclaims to be admissible they must be connected to the primary claims, but the nature of such a connection is not self-evident. The article concludes that the test established in the May 2004 decision in Saluka Investments BV v. Czech Republic was too strict, and leads to it being near-impossible for states to succeed in having their counterclaims heard, which is regrettable.

Investment Treaty Arbitration
ICSID Convention
Article 46
Dispute Resolution Clause
Applicable law
Main claims
about the authors

Laura Halonen is a solicitor of the Supreme Court of England and Wales and an associate with Lalive in Geneva. She specialises in public international law and international arbitration, with particular emphasis on investment arbitration.

e-mail: lhalonen@lalive.ch

Professor Pierre Lalive is a senior partner and founder of Lalive, with over fifty years of experience in international law and arbitration. He has acted as arbitrator or counsel in several hundred international arbitration proceedings. A key part of his practice involves interstate and state-investor disputes. Professor Lalive has held many academic positions in Switzerland and abroad, and has authored more than 200 publications.

e-mail: mscherer@lalive.ch

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